Voicemail Drops on AGM: How They Work
AGM’s voicemail drop feature is an excellent addition to your artificial turf sales and marketing strategy. It can help you automate your outreach at scale while getting rid of the awkward conversations and uncertainty of whether the prospect will actually pick up. In this guide, we’ll show you how to set up voicemail drops in AGM and use them to streamline your client communication, so you can focus on what really matters – crafting incredible artificial grass installations.
What are Voicemail Drops?
A voicemail drop is a tool that enables you to pre-record a message and have it delivered directly to a client’s voicemail box without their phone ringing.
AGM makes this process easy by allowing you to create a workflow that initiates two consecutive phone calls: the first to connect to the client’s phone and the second to leave the pre-recorded voicemail.
Benefits of Using AGM’s Voicemail Drops
Save Time: Automate your outreach and spend more time focusing on installations.
Consistency: Ensure all clients receive the same professional, friendly message.
Efficiency: Bypass the back-and-forth of live conversations while still maintaining a personal touch.
Increased Engagement: People are more likely to listen to voicemails, ensuring your message gets heard.
Setting Up Voicemail Drops in AGM
Follow these simple 2-step process to get started with AGM’s voicemail drops:
Step 1: Create Your Voicemail Recording
Record your message using your preferred program (more on this below).
Save the recording as an .mp3 or .wav file.
Step 2: Set Up the Voicemail Drop in AGM
Open a new or existing workflow.
Add a new “Voicemail” action.
Upload your recording (mp3 or .wav file).
Save your workflow.
Converting Voicemail Drop Files into MP3 or WAV
To use the voicemail drop feature in AGM, your audio files must be in MP3 or WAV format. Here are two options for converting your voicemail drop files:
Option A: Using Audacity
Download and install Audacity, a free audio editing software.
Import your audio file into Audacity by dragging and dropping it into the interface.
Adjust the project sample rate to 8000 Hz by navigating to Edit > Preferences.
Export the converted file by going to File > Export Audio, selecting MP3 or WAV format, and saving the file.
Option B: Using an Online Converter
Select “Open files” and choose your audio file.
Choose the format to convert to (MP3 – Economy 64kbps).
Click “Convert” and then “Download” the converted file.
Integrating Voicemail Drops into Your Workflows
Maximize the potential of voicemail drops by integrating them into your AGM workflows. For example:
Set up an automatic response to new lead inquiries, thanking them for their interest.
Schedule a post-installation check-in to gather feedback and request reviews.
Remind clients of upcoming appointments or maintenance services.
By automating these touches, you can nurture leads, improve client satisfaction, and save valuable time.
A Note on Voicemail Drop Effectiveness
It’s important to understand that voicemail drops are a workaround solution, and their success rate is approximately 70%. Phone carriers may not always facilitate the connection. If you need more clarification, reach out using the contact methods below to book a call.
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